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Tips and Ticks for Protesting

PREP: Before the Protest

1. Make signs. Yes, plural (signs), if you can: fellow sign-less protestors will appreciate your extras. Ideally, you’ll have a unified voice through the signs, which will allow onlookers to know what you’re demonstrating. Check with organizers to see if there are any phrases, themes, or statements they’re hoping for. Or freak what you feel. Foam board and magnum sharpies are a great combo, but work with what you have, just aim for big, bold, legible letters. You can find inspiration under the posters section of our website here.  


2. Drink lots of water. The day before, and throughout the day of. Prepping with a lot of hydration will help you keep your voice, and keep your energy up.


3. Bring food and water. Whether it is a protest or a blockade you will be out on the streets for a while and the last thing you need is to be low energy or dizzy from lack of food or to be dehydrated and pass out. 


4. Plan your exit. If you’re driving, park at least several blocks away from the protest. If you’re getting picked up, plan your ride beforehand (and make it at least several blocks away from the action).


5. Tell a friend/family member who isn’t going. Let them know you’ll check in with them after (specify a check-in time), and give them an emergency contact number to reach out to if they don’t hear from you (a local civil rights lawyer is great, or a family member who you know will do everything they need to do to find you).


6. Write an emergency contact number on your body. If you’re arrested, this is the number you’re going to call. If you think, “I’m not doing anything illegal. I won’t be arrested,” You're encouraged to do this anyhow. Plenty of peaceful, lawful protestors get arrested. A suggestion is to write the number on your leg with a sharpie, and the number you choose should be a friend/family member who knows you're at the protest, and who will know what to do (e.g., to call a certain lawyer, etc.).


7. Charge your cell phone, and be prepared for it not to work anyhow. If you have one, make sure the battery is 100% (or as close as possible) before you head out the door. Depending on the size of the demonstration, cell service might be spotty (more on this in “action”), which will drain your battery faster than usual. Or it might be down completely (with huge groups), so plan to not need your phone.


8. Download this App from the ACLU for your state, if available. Have it installed and be familiar with it in case you need it.


9. Know the local laws regarding protest. Or, at least, know them well enough to know if the planned action is fully lawful, iffy, or downright illegal. Google is good for this, so is the ACLU. This might require you to reach out to the organizers to ask them what the plan is, which isn’t always possible (a lot of “organized” resistance is more resistant and less organized). The number one benefit of this, in my experience, is confirming your intuitive “that’s wrong” sense when you see law enforcement doing heinous things.


ACTION: During the Protest

10. Go with a friend (or make a friend there). Make sure you can contact this person’s fam or friends if they’re hurt, arrested, or disappear. And ditto for them to you. Keep an eye on one another, and watch one another’s backs. Look out for police officers who are pulling people from the crowd (it’s a bummer), or for onlookers who are throwing things at the crowd (surprise beer bottles to the head hurt… a lot).


11. Bring an external phone battery. If you have one (or several), bring it along. See #6 above. This is especially important if you’re planning on filming/streaming the protest with your mobile (see #13 below). If you have both lightning (Apple) and micro USB (Android) cables, it’d be nice to bring those, too (in case someone else is in need).


12. Wear comfy shoes. If you’ll be standing or walking, shirk fashion and go with comfort. Ditto for the rest of your apparel.


13. Bring/wear a mask (read: something to cover your face, not a Halloween costume, unless that’s your thing). A bandana is my go-to. Scarves are great. A lot of people on the sidelines and in the march itself may be filming, and both law enforcement and opposition groups may use that footage to identify and dox protestors. If you cover half your face, you should be okay. Bonus: a bandana will also come in handy in the event of tear gas or pepper spray (see #14).


14. If you film/stream, try not to catch fellow protestors’ faces. You can also blur faces in photos/video after (if you have the digital editing chops). This isn’t always possible and is a bit of a contentious topic in activist circles I’m in (one side: we should stream and film to signal boost, and make the demonstration available to those who couldn’t attend; another side: we shouldn’t stream or film because doing so helps cops/opposition identify and dox protestors). If possible, do film any cops who are violating laws (see #7) or doing things that seem wrong (see #8). This may not save the day (there’s lots of footage of cops doing horrendous things to protestors, to no avail), but it’s better to have the record than not have it.


15. Water makes pepper spray worse. So do contact lenses. If you suspect pepper spray or tear gas will be used by law enforcement, I’d suggest reading this beforehand. Milk, vinegar, lemon juice, and other solvents will help. Just don’t use water. Or lotion. Learn from others’ terrible experience.


RECOVERY: After the Protest

16. If you’re not safe and sound, ask for help. Depending on what’s happened, rely on your community, the fellow protestors, or your friends/family. The ACLU is a great resource. Just don’t feel pressured to deal with whatever happened on your own.


17. Follow-up with the organizers, or other protestors, for next steps. A protest is a lily pad, not the pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow. There might be immediate action (e.g., a bailout fund if someone was arrested) needed, so check-in.


18. Share your experience! This will help increase the reach of the protest, and maybe inspire others to get involved. A blog post, social media update, or just telling friends with your mouth are all great.


More Apps/Resources

For those who are curious, here are a few links to keep learning, or tools that will help you in the future.


FireChat – Apple iOS / Android – free instant messaging that doesn’t require signal or mobile data, great for huge crowds


Signal – Apple iOS / Android – encrypted messaging through SMS, great for planning communication


Beautiful Trouble – a book and online resource with tons of protesting info and explainers, or “a toolbox for revolution.”

Poster Ideas

Tip 1​ - Be Clever

Tip 2 - Be Shocking

Tip 3 - Have Images

Tip 3 - Stick With a Symbol

Tip 4 - Speak to the Issues

Tip 5 - Large Bold Legible Letters

Do Something: News
Poster Ideas
Tips and Tricks for Protesting
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Need Some Ideas? Try These For Inspiration...

Slogans and Chants

Need more chants for your protest? Here are some ideas

What do we want? Climate Justice!
When do we want it? Now!

When our planet’s under attack,
What do we do?
Stand Up Fight Back!

Exxon-Mobil, BP, Shell
Take your filth and go to hell!

No more (clap clap) corporate greed
Renewables are what we need!

Where the fuck is the government (to the tune of Seven Nation Army

Whose streets? Our streets! Whose planet? Our planet!

Have more Chants, Posters, or Protest Tips? Send them to us here 

Chants and Slogans
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