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Pointed Questions for Your Government Officials

As activists, we all encounter situations where you have the chance to ask a Government official a very pointed question about climate change and what they are doing about it. We must take advantage of these opportunities to hold our government responsible by asking pointed questions. The public has a right to be informed, and to question, a politician’s policies on climate change and their justification for putting current and future generations at risk if they are climate deniers.


Do you accept that climate change is occurring? 
        If not, what specific scientific sources and references do you rely on to justify rejecting the scientific consensus?


More than 97% of scientists agree that climate change is human-caused, primarily from burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas why won’t you accept that humans are causing climate change? 


Would you/are you support(ing) increasing research and development funds to advance renewable technologies?   


What reassurance can you offer us that you are doing everything in your power to combat climate change and protect our health?


What are your specific plans, including actions and timetables, for helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a substantial amount, and how will you fund and implement them?


Is it your position that (your country)  and the rest of the world need to urgently adopt policies to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions? 

      If not, what specific scientific sources and references do you rely on to justify rejecting the scientific consensus? 


Are you aware that the impacts of climate change in terms of increased risks to human health? What action will you take to combat this? 


Given that climate scientists have been advising the urgent reduction of greenhouse gases for decades, do you accept that politicians who fail to implement policies to prevent dangerous climate change should be held responsible for harm that results from this inaction? 

Have more pointed questions to add? Contact us

Ask Questions: News
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